1, used car reference price.

This is a benchmark price, which is the basis for price fluctuations during the used car transaction. If the second-hand car is still in production, the current sales price of the new car sales price (= new car sales price ÷ 11.7) is used as the reference standard.

If the second-hand car is in the production stop state, the last batch of sales price and purchase tax amount of the car will be taken as the base price. If it is an imported car, it will also be subject to tariffs.

2, into the new rate

The new rate includes the following aspects: Appearance paint, interior seats, engine compartments, lights with tires.

The new rate is the main consideration of the owner of the car care and maintenance situation, and the age is not necessarily inversely proportional. Some vehicles have been purchased for five or six years because of the high rate of daily maintenance. The new rate is low. It is normal for some cars to purchase for three years due to neglect of maintenance.

3. The age adjustment coefficient.

The used car mainly depends on the age of the car. The number of kilometers traveled is only used as an auxiliary parameter. After all, the number of kilometers can be adjusted manually. The adjustment factor for vehicle age is closely related to the model, year, and brand. Not all used cars have the same age adjustment factor.

4, the market hot and cold sales ratio coefficient

This is a very important parameter and it is most obviously affected by the region. If the used car has a large amount of local ownership or the sales of new cars are very hot, then the price coefficient of the used car must be increased. If the used car is sold locally or very poorly, the used car's price coefficient will be adjusted. low. Due to different regional consumption habits, the same used car will often have a lot of money in different regions. For example: Camry in the South is very popular, but in the North it is the other way around. This has resulted in the same used car in Shenyang and Guangzhou are two completely different prices, some powerful second-hand car dealers often use This feature of second-hand cars is used to collect and sell cars across a large area.

5, initial price

After the reference price is calculated by the above new rate, the age adjustment coefficient, and the hot and cold sales ratio coefficient, an initial price will be formed, which is only the ideal price.

6, the number of kilometers coefficient

If it is a family car that can be used as a benchmark for 15,000 kilometers a year, if it is a commercial vehicle, it can be used as a benchmark for 25,000 kilometers a year. Higher than the standard can be used to lower the price of the car. If the price is lower than the standard, the car price can be adjusted upwards. Local market conditions are relevant.

7, vehicle condition coefficient

The coefficient is very professional, including: comprehensive reference of engine condition, chassis condition, and repair history, etc., and a road test is required.

8, renovation costs

This part is affected by the level of repair prices in the regional industry. That is, the second-hand car will be sold again or used for repairs, such as whether tires or fluids need to be replaced, whether some parts need to be painted, and whether some parts need to be replaced. An overall repair and maintenance cost that is based on local maintenance cost levels.

This also includes a special case: Longer age, less market holdings, niche car imports, etc. due to the rarity of the late repair parts, resulting in substantial increase in repair costs and even some models due to very few accessories can not complete the transaction.

9, purchase price

After the initial price passes the adjustment of the number of kilometers coefficient and the condition coefficient, the purchase price will be formed after subtracting the repair cost. This is only the theoretical purchase price. Generally, there will be some space when the car is taken in order to facilitate negotiation with the owner.

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